Gentrification is my topic around the connection to the latest news in Durham nc and TKAM (To kill a mocking bird). To tell you first is that if you don't know what gentrification is then it means to like poor people are going to have to move somewhere else to renew and build. Well right now people are saying that gentrification is also affecting our human rights.
In Today Duke what was interesting is that Robert Kirk ( the director Duke Human Rights Center at FHI) says in quote " We're taking Malcolm X as our starting point." The reason he said this was because he saw as this as also a human right violation, which in case is making the prices of like houses higher than other years.
Gentrification and Human Rights in Durham | Duke Today
How does this relates to TKAM? Well for me what I think is the trial for the part of it. Which means that human rights, right? Well when Harper Lee wrote this remember in the time of Jim's crow laws and like the great depression. So then it means not all have the human rights of doing something that would affect the population or others. This in short means that there are problems that cause an affect on human rights.
The second part that I could in a way ( kind-of I guess) represent this too is that when Helen Robinson (Thomas Robinson's wife) was having trouble to cross Mr. Ewell's house/gate. The reason I thought this was because well think about it, if we ware taking about rights at least it's what I'm talking about of how Mr. Ewell was like pushing her and not leaving her alone. And I know is that it's rude and against rights to do something like that. But things can change but it has to apply to the laws and the human rights.
Income Inequality

Thursday, December 3, 2015
blog two
The loving case(1967)-all american are allowed to marry, regardless of race ,law oppression,morality
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
They Get Along on What They Have
"The Cunninghams never took anything they cant pay back-no church baskets and no script stamps. They never took anything off of anybody ,they get along on what they have. They don't have much but they get along on it."(pg 26)
It was Scout's first year in school and their teacher Miss Caroline had asked the kids if they had their lunch; she then went by every kid and checked their food. When she reached Walter she asked "where's yours?" Scout stood and said, "He's a Cunningham."
Scout in this part of the story seemed, to me, kinda both naive and heartfelt. Naive in assuming that by saying that he was a Cunningham would explain the situation he was in and heartfelt by saying that "They get along on what they have" like saying that they may not have much but they can deal on what have. The way I can relate this to our time is the problem with people judging what others have or don't have.
Most people grew up with hand-me-down clothes and thrift store stuff and it was fine for a while but then the increase in jobs and new technology developments gave a chance for families to make their home a more classy place. And give their kids phones or laptops and thinking that they don't want their kids going through whatever they went through, as if those times were unacceptable and shameful. I am one of those people who still gets stuff from the thrift store and wears the same shoes for two years. I consider those days as one of the most humble times we've had.
I'm ashamed that people judge others for what they have or for the job their parents have. Personally I think as long they have a job, its fine, as long as they can provide for their family and live a satisfactory life without asking for more than what they can live with, then it's fine and their income doesn't define who they are. Making reference to what Scout said, people get along on what they have and that's not something shameful - it's something to be proud of.
blog 1
''but i want to play with Walter,Aunty, why can't I?' she took off her glasses and stared at me ,'i'll tell you why'she said .'because-he-is-trash,that's why you can't play with him.'
I was small about 7 or 8 year old's i was still living in mexico near the golf called Veracruz , man times flies when u realized how long its been since you seen him he was 6 when i met him his name was also Marco but i called him flaco , my mom never liked my friend maybe because he was poor i always use to tell my mom even if he was poor he stayed true and he never lied mark. only lived with his mom he told me that one day he told told them he be back from work but he never came back days and weeks past and his dad never came back. mark told me i think he just left us everyone dream in mexico is to come to america it was sad to that my mom gave birth to us in the united states but came back to mexico. one day afternoon i over heard how mark was trying to come and play with me but my mom told him to go home that he was never to come back my mom told him my son is leaving and you are to spend more time with your mom i was sad to think that i was leaving and my only best friend at that time was getting pushed away. It was a early Monday morning when all my things were pack every one was awake she told us were going to take a trip we were going to the airport but before we left i had to say bye i left and ran as fast as i could to mark house he was happy to see me and i was happy to see him we hug before i left i gave him one of my favorite shoes and shirt then i went to his mom and gave her 30 percos ( not that it was much it was only enough to get them a good meal and drinks )i left him ..
I was small about 7 or 8 year old's i was still living in mexico near the golf called Veracruz , man times flies when u realized how long its been since you seen him he was 6 when i met him his name was also Marco but i called him flaco , my mom never liked my friend maybe because he was poor i always use to tell my mom even if he was poor he stayed true and he never lied mark. only lived with his mom he told me that one day he told told them he be back from work but he never came back days and weeks past and his dad never came back. mark told me i think he just left us everyone dream in mexico is to come to america it was sad to that my mom gave birth to us in the united states but came back to mexico. one day afternoon i over heard how mark was trying to come and play with me but my mom told him to go home that he was never to come back my mom told him my son is leaving and you are to spend more time with your mom i was sad to think that i was leaving and my only best friend at that time was getting pushed away. It was a early Monday morning when all my things were pack every one was awake she told us were going to take a trip we were going to the airport but before we left i had to say bye i left and ran as fast as i could to mark house he was happy to see me and i was happy to see him we hug before i left i gave him one of my favorite shoes and shirt then i went to his mom and gave her 30 percos ( not that it was much it was only enough to get them a good meal and drinks )i left him ..
The news that relate to TKAM
My motif about income inequality is a big issue in the Durham community than it is in To kill a mockingbird. There is something happening in the Durham community that is violating human rights, and its making downtown housing affordable: gentrification
Many people in the durham community are being placed out of their homes and the neighborhoods due to economic issues and race relation. That is what Duke is saying right now.
Melissa Norton, an affordable housing advocate said, "Gentrification is a social justice issue and its not synonymous with neighborhood revitalizaton."
The way I can relate to this in to kill a mockingbird is Bob Ewell, he is very poor and has no source of education in him. He drinks, smokes, and has no money. Also Walter Cunningham Jr is poor because he has no money to buy school lunch for himself. They were involved in the GREAT DEPRESSION, an economic failure in the 1930's. Plus Bob Ewell will have a greater chance of loosing his house. Rob Kirk, the director of the Duke Human Rights Center at FHI said, "Malcolm X saw gentrification as a human rights violation when people were getting priced out of their houses and neighborhoods."
Because of Bob's lack of knowledge and doing other bad stuff, he is going to be placed out of the neighborhood. That is how the news and my to kill a mockingbird motifs shares a connection.
Gentrification and Human Rights in Durham | Duke Today
Many people in the durham community are being placed out of their homes and the neighborhoods due to economic issues and race relation. That is what Duke is saying right now.
Melissa Norton, an affordable housing advocate said, "Gentrification is a social justice issue and its not synonymous with neighborhood revitalizaton."
The way I can relate to this in to kill a mockingbird is Bob Ewell, he is very poor and has no source of education in him. He drinks, smokes, and has no money. Also Walter Cunningham Jr is poor because he has no money to buy school lunch for himself. They were involved in the GREAT DEPRESSION, an economic failure in the 1930's. Plus Bob Ewell will have a greater chance of loosing his house. Rob Kirk, the director of the Duke Human Rights Center at FHI said, "Malcolm X saw gentrification as a human rights violation when people were getting priced out of their houses and neighborhoods."
Because of Bob's lack of knowledge and doing other bad stuff, he is going to be placed out of the neighborhood. That is how the news and my to kill a mockingbird motifs shares a connection.
Gentrification and Human Rights in Durham | Duke Today
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
News Today
The Ewell 's are poor and uneducated, but that's because of Bob Ewell. He drinks and gambles away the little money they do have which causes the children to stay at home also becoming uneducated. The Cunningham's who were farmers used their crops to pay back debt. They survived from what was on their land instead of welfare. The Finches were educated and had quite a bit of money. They weren't hit by the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression as bad as the Ewell's and Cunningham's.
A local news story titled "What Education Can and Can't Do For Economic Inequality" explains the importance of education and what it can and can not do to help improve income inequality. Recent studies from Brookings institution show how better education would not significantly reduce income inequality in America but it would help the overall economic picture and increase the positions of those in the poorer classes. Education has nothing to do with wages and unemployment.
Based on the article perhaps if the Ewell's were more educated and if Bob Ewell didn't waste money they wouldn't be suffering as much as they were. If the Finches and the Cunningham's were more educated they wouldn't be affected. They would still the receive the same amount of income.
If I were Bob Ewell I would make my younger children go to school to get an education while the older children worked. If I were Walter Cunningham I would also make sure my children received and education an use my resources wisely.
Another story in the news this relates to is president Obama's Speech titled " Income Inequality is Killing the Economy". In his speech he talks about inequality and how it is bad for economic growth. It leads to higher taxes on the rich, socio-political instability, reduce investment in human capital, and increase in crime.
In the book Bob Ewell had attempted to commit crimes for revenge from the Tom Robinson case. He went after Helen Robinson, Judge Taylor, and Atticus. Basically everyone connected with the case.
This also happens in real life. People go after others just because they are grieving, or don't make as much. This is unfair to me. I know most people work hard for what they have, but most can't help how they live. I felt ambivalent towards the Ewell's and the Cunningham's. You can't choose what family your'e born into but you can try to change your families ways so that you can have a better future.
A local news story titled "What Education Can and Can't Do For Economic Inequality" explains the importance of education and what it can and can not do to help improve income inequality. Recent studies from Brookings institution show how better education would not significantly reduce income inequality in America but it would help the overall economic picture and increase the positions of those in the poorer classes. Education has nothing to do with wages and unemployment.
Based on the article perhaps if the Ewell's were more educated and if Bob Ewell didn't waste money they wouldn't be suffering as much as they were. If the Finches and the Cunningham's were more educated they wouldn't be affected. They would still the receive the same amount of income.
If I were Bob Ewell I would make my younger children go to school to get an education while the older children worked. If I were Walter Cunningham I would also make sure my children received and education an use my resources wisely.
Another story in the news this relates to is president Obama's Speech titled " Income Inequality is Killing the Economy". In his speech he talks about inequality and how it is bad for economic growth. It leads to higher taxes on the rich, socio-political instability, reduce investment in human capital, and increase in crime.
In the book Bob Ewell had attempted to commit crimes for revenge from the Tom Robinson case. He went after Helen Robinson, Judge Taylor, and Atticus. Basically everyone connected with the case.
This also happens in real life. People go after others just because they are grieving, or don't make as much. This is unfair to me. I know most people work hard for what they have, but most can't help how they live. I felt ambivalent towards the Ewell's and the Cunningham's. You can't choose what family your'e born into but you can try to change your families ways so that you can have a better future.
White lies from Mayella Ewell
"Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your father?," said Atticus
No answers
Did this man took advantage of you?"
No answer
" I got something to say, and i ain't gonna say no more. That nigger yonder took advantage of me an' if you fine fancy gentlemen don't wanta do nothing about it then you're all yellow stinkin' cowards, stinkin' cowards, the lot of you."
It was trial day for Tom Robinson, the man accused of raping a white woman name Mayella Ewell. Atticus Finch was defending for Tom Robinson while Mr. Gilmere was defending for Mayella. Atticus is keep interrogating mayella because he believes that she is telling lies about the incident. Atticus told Tom to stand up so that Mayella can take a good look at him. Tom Robinson left arm was not perfect when he stood up.
Reverend Sykes told Jem that he got his left arm caught in a cotton gin when he was 12 years old. How could Tom do it if his left arm was in bad condition.
Mayella kept crying throughout the trial because of Atticus interrogating her. So after the trial, Tom and Mayella were both convicted and tom explained everything where she hugged him and jumped on him while passing by her house.
An example of this Tom Robinson Trial is Emmitt Till, where he was accused of flirting with a white woman and he was beaten and shot to death. I think Tom is telling the truth, Mayella is defending herself by lying. She is the one that needs to be charged and guilty.
No answers
Did this man took advantage of you?"
No answer
" I got something to say, and i ain't gonna say no more. That nigger yonder took advantage of me an' if you fine fancy gentlemen don't wanta do nothing about it then you're all yellow stinkin' cowards, stinkin' cowards, the lot of you."
It was trial day for Tom Robinson, the man accused of raping a white woman name Mayella Ewell. Atticus Finch was defending for Tom Robinson while Mr. Gilmere was defending for Mayella. Atticus is keep interrogating mayella because he believes that she is telling lies about the incident. Atticus told Tom to stand up so that Mayella can take a good look at him. Tom Robinson left arm was not perfect when he stood up.
Reverend Sykes told Jem that he got his left arm caught in a cotton gin when he was 12 years old. How could Tom do it if his left arm was in bad condition.
Mayella kept crying throughout the trial because of Atticus interrogating her. So after the trial, Tom and Mayella were both convicted and tom explained everything where she hugged him and jumped on him while passing by her house.

An example of this Tom Robinson Trial is Emmitt Till, where he was accused of flirting with a white woman and he was beaten and shot to death. I think Tom is telling the truth, Mayella is defending herself by lying. She is the one that needs to be charged and guilty.
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